Friday, March 18, 2011

How many Money Vampires are in your life?

So, I've known about Energy Vampires that drain the energy from others around them. But today, I just thought of a new term that I call "Money Vampire." It basically means that these people drain your money from you. The more that I think about it, the more I realize that my list is growing. There are so many streams of income being lost due to these money vampires. 

Let's begin my list, shall we? First, I want to say that Facebook is a potential money vampire. They want you to play their games, get hooked on them, and then start paying to play further. I, fortunately, have not bought into this idea of paying to play their games. Next, on Facebook, there are many "like" pages that you can read their many ads of items for you to purchase. I don't know about you, but the more I see things, the more I want them. It seems best to not get involved with creating more desire in your life for things that empty your wallet. It's really best not to spend more than you have. Here's a great motto to live by: "Save your money for the future!" 

Enough about Facebook, then there's the email newsletters that I subscribe to which also entice me to purchase items or services that I more than likely don't need. In addition to this, I subscribe to a few magazines and newspapers. The magazines I most likely could do without considering they are in the library free to read. The newspapers are more important for me to subscribe to since they are not available in the library. Although, most information seems to be available online nowadays. 

What has spurred me to write this message was because of an email newsletter that I subscribe to. Today's message really irritated me. The reason is because the man that writes the newsletter wrote about how he made  a video of him praying for the people of Japan. There was a link to follow in order to view this video. So, I clicked on the link and low and behold, it was just another way for him to create another income stream for himself. In order to watch the video, one must fill out the form with personal info as well as donate money. 

Here is the note on the link that was in regards to the donation money: 
The Donation Amount is optional and will only be used to informally track how much money we have generated to support the people of Japan in a practical, financialy manner.

I just noticed his misspelling: financialy. It should read: financially. Well, actually in grammatical terms it should read: financial. 

Anyways, this just food for thought today. Do you have any money vampires that you need to get rid of in your life? Or can you name any money vampires that you have?

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